You Are Meant For More So Do Not Settle for Less!

Adam and Eve had the perfect relationship with God in the Garden of Eden, but they settled for less by eating from the forbidden tree. Judas was in the perfect position for greatness, but he settled for less by betraying Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. As for me, there have been times I have settled for less by focusing on worldly things rather than the Word of God.

Over the last ten years, I noticed that very few are committed to God’s best. All too often, individuals respond to their future by simply settling into boring, mediocre lives. However, that is not the type of life God wants for anyone!

Did you know that we have been conditioned by the world to “dumb down” and accept far less than what God has provided? As a matter of fact, the only reason we are not receiving God’s best is that we are willing, consciously or unconsciously, to settle for less.

Here are five warning signs that you are settling for less:

  1. You blame other people.
  2. You think a lot but do very little. <–(This is me at times)
  3. You are continuously jealous.
  4. Food, alcohol, or TV are the highlight of your day.
  5. You do not think you can.
  6. Justifying the poor behavior of others.

Listen, you are the child of the Most High God. You are a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, which means you have far-reaching influence, access to unlimited resources, and endless opportunities. Therefore, seize the opportunities!

The minute you settle for less than you deserve is the same minute you settle for less than what God created you for. Click To Tweet

It is time for you to put your faith in God’s power and take advantage of the opportunities He gives you. If you refuse to settle for a life of mediocrity, you will be able to pursue the excellence God has in store for you. You will be able to fulfill your greatest potential.  You will live fearlessly in the face of difficulty.

So, get out of your comfort zone and take the risks God calls you to take. Be on the lookout for divine appointments because He is getting ready to promote you. Ask God to give you the wisdom to do the right thing, for the right reason, in the right way, at the right time.  Remember, God is faithful to keep all of His promises, and He has far more for you than what you are experiencing.

Set your mind on the things of God and not on the things of this world. Jesus has paid a way for you to be free from the strongholds of mediocrity. He stands ready to lead you to His perfect plan for your life. For that reason, stop putting limitations on your thinking. God did not create you to be average. You were created to shine. Keep pursuing God’s very best for you!

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