God Uses Your Failures For Good

All of the lessons for your life are there in your experiences; you have to spend time examining them. When you do, you will see that in every failure are the seeds of success — if you learn from them.

Many years ago, I met a woman who told me how getting fired from her job was the best thing that ever happened to her. She was 47 years old and had worked her entire life as an administrative assistant when her supervisor came in one day and told her she was fired, no severance pay, no retirement, nothing. She had no other skills, no additional job training. When she went home and told her teenage daughter what happened, she said, “What are you going to do now?” She responded, “I guess I am going to do what I have always wanted to do. I am going to mortgage our home and start a business.”

Her first venture was being a virtual assistant for two small law firms, but within ten years, she had become a multimillionaire. This amazing woman became the founder of one of the largest virtual assistant companies in the world.  

She told me that if she could locate the man who fired her, she would thank him for what he had done. At the time, she did not understand why she was fired. Only later could she see that it was God’s perfect and incredible plan to get her fired to get her moving in the correct direction to fulfill the calling on her life.

Maybe God has taken you through an unexpected failure that you did not understand at the time, but now you see that it shaped you into who you are today. Maybe you are in the middle of something like that right now. Trust that God will use your circumstances to show you what He shaped you to do and how you can use your life to serve him.

Even though it may look bad, feel bad or be unfair, when it all comes together, God is going to use it for your good. Click To Tweet

What have you learned from the failures in your life?

1 Comment

  • Posted September 2, 2021
    by Earl

    That NO matter how bad you think you have failed and how far you have fallen, as long as you still have breath in your body it’s not over and, by God’s grace, success is STILL just around the corner!

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