Take Your Medicine

When was the last time you had a good “belly” laugh? You know, the kind of laugh that comes from so deep, you almost use the bathroom on yourself? When was the last time you laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe? When was the last time you laugh so hard your eyes started squinting and tearing up? Remember how your face started hurting because you smiled so much that everything within you felt alive? Then you just sat there and laugh because it’s funny that you were laughing so hard!

I love those kinds of laughs, and I try to make sure to find humor in everyday life. Did you know, laughter is contagious? I have some students who laugh at just about everything, and sometimes they laugh so much that I start laughing just watching them.

Now, I know that sometimes it can seem like there aren’t a lot of things to be laughing about. Especially, if you listen to a lot of national and international news too much, or you talk to some people who are always negative at work. If we are honest, sometimes circumstances can feel so overwhelming that you feel down and discouraged, and before long that feeling steals your happiness. It is important for you to remember,

happiness is a choice and choosing to be happy will give you strength to overcome difficult times.

In Proverbs 17:22, God says that a “joyful heart is good medicine...” which means, it’s good for your body and soul. It’s good to have a happy heart because it stirs up your passion for life. A joyful heart gives you eagerness for the good things that God has in store. Here are five more reasons why laughter is the best medicine:

  • Laughter releases endorphins in the brain which relieves pain
  • Laughter reduces the stress and anxiety in your life
  • Laughter strengthens resilience
  • Laughter boosts your immune system
  • Laughter is therapy to fight depression

When you focus on the right things in life, laughter becomes a remedy for your hardships and difficult times. Find something today to be thankful for and happy about. It could be something as simple as thanking God for the air you breathe. Then, find something to laugh about, because the gift of laughter is soothing to the soul and brings you power for the body.

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